Results for 'Hernán Martínez Millán'

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  1.  22
    Sun and Light, or On the Agent Intellect.Hernán Martínez-millán - 2013 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 20:49.
    This paper examines some passages in the Treatise on Human Nature in which Thomas Aquinas, following Themistius, refers to Plato’s analogies between the sun and the soul in order to prove that the agent intellect is something that belongs to the soul. It also analyzes the analogy between the light and the soul that Aquinas mentions, which is taken from Aristotle. The main task at hand will be to revisit the question of how Aquinas interprets Plato and Aristotle in this (...)
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  2. El discurso de Alcíbades en "El Banquete" de Platón: teatro filosófico.Hernán Martínez Millán - 2009 - Escritos 17 (39):358-389.
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    Acerca de la independencia de los modelos respecto de las teorías.Hernán Lucas Accorinti & Juan Camilo Martínez González - 2016 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 31 (2):225-245.
    La concepción semántica de las teorías científicas supone la dependencia de los modelos respecto de las teorías. Algunos autores desafian tal supuesto a través del estudio de ciertos modelos concebidos como fenomenológicos. Sobre la base del análisis de los modelos atómicos y moleculares en quimica cuántica, en el presente artículo se argumentará en favor de una independencia de los modelos respecto de las teorías que no puede interpretarse como meramente histórica y relativa al contexto. Estos modelos ponen de manifiesto una (...)
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    Test case for perspectivism: incompatible models in quantum chemistry.Hernan Lucas Accorinti & Juan Camilo Martínez González - forthcoming - Foundations of Chemistry:1-12.
    The incompatibility within the context of modeling cannot be established simpliciter. The fact that modeling is understood as an activity whose representational power can only be partially established, may minimize the supposed existence of incompatible models. Indeed, it is argued from perspectivism that incompatibility can be dissolved, meaning that it becomes trivial or simply false due to the inherently pragmatic and partial nature of the act of representation and modeling. From this perspective, incompatibility can only be a consequence of a (...)
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    Guest Editorial for the Special Issue of the ISPC Annual Conference Held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2023.Juan Camilo Martínez González & Hernan Accorinti - forthcoming - Foundations of Chemistry:1-4.
  6. The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes": a Tool for Encouraging Critical Thinking in the Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO).Gloria Fernández Millán, Pedro García-Guirao & Olivia López Martínez - 2021 - Investigaciones Sobre Lectura 16:32-50.
    This research analyses to what extent the use of debates on literature and cross-cutting themes presented by means of journalistic texts encourages critical thinking in the compulsory secondary education (ESO), concretely within a sample of 128 participants from third year of the secondary school. Firstly, the study investigates the effectiveness of these debates for the correct establishment of literary knowledge from the chosen book, The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes; secondly, the progression (or regression) of critical thinking among the students. (...)
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    Incorporación internacional de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales y la integralidad de los derechos humanos.Hernán Darío Martínez Hincapié - 2014 - Ratio Juris 9 (19):175-197.
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    From Charles V to Philip IV of Spain: the concepts of Monarchia Universalis and Catholic Monarchy.José Martínez Millán & Manuel Rivero Rodríguez - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    This text discusses the European system in the modern age, describing the concept of ‘state’ as an object bounded by property rights and its owner’s jurisdiction. In order to maintain the state, it was necessary to keep the inhabitants in a state of submission, through either persuasion or force. State policy consisted in preserving the possessions of the state, improving and increasing it, combining statecraft with the subjects and concert with other state-holders. States were not autonomous units, but domains, and (...)
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    Elementos teóricos para la comprensión y exigibilidad de los derechos sociales en el estado social y constitucional de derecho.Hernán Darío Martínez Hincapié - 2014 - Ratio Juris 9 (18):129-152.
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    Special issue on decolonialism from a Latin perspective.Ana María Talak, Hernán Camillo Pullido Martínez & Arthur Arruda Leal Ferreira - 2024 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 44 (3):141-142.
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    Transformation of dairy activity in Mexico in the context of current globalization and regionalization.Luis Arturo García Hernández, Estela Martínez Borrego, Hernán Salas Quintanal & Aysen Tanyeri-Abur - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (2):157-167.
    To explain globalization of the Mexicandairy production more precisely, globalization indairy systems worldwide and within Mexico ispresented, using an intensive dairy operation in theregion of La Laguna (North Mexico), and a traditionaldairy operation in Los Altos de Jalisco (West Mexico)as examples. The focus is on the economic aspects ofregionalization, and how it relates to theglobalization process. In this context, the process ofregionalization of the North American dairy systemsand their relationships with the local systems in LaLaguna and Los Altos de Jalisco (...)
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  12. Diagnóstico de las condiciones de sostenibilidad Y el conocimiento sostenible en la corporación universitaria empresarial Alexander Von humboldt en armenia, colombia.Julio Ernesto Camargo Bejarano, Gloria Inés Vélez Parra, Luis Miguel Mejía Giraldo, Dionny Lozano Muñoz & Hernán Andrés Pérez Martínez - forthcoming - Revista Aletheia Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt Vol. 1, Año 2011.
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    Index–Volume 17–2000.Luis Arturo García Hernández, Estela Martínez Borrego, Hernán Salas, David Goodman & Richard P. Haynes - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (4):417-420.
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    Cognitive-Discursive Didactic Sequence to Strengthen Inferential Reading of Elementary School Students.Hernán Javier Guzmán Murillo, José Marcelo Torres Ortega & Jorge Luis Escobar Reynel - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1382-1395.
    Currently, students in basic secondary school in Colombia have a low performance in reading comprehension at the inferential level. This pedagogical proposal aimed to strengthen the level of inferential reading of students who attend elementary school, through the application of a didactic sequence from the cognitive-discursive perspective. Theoretically, the concepts proposed by Cisneros, Olave and Rojas regarding four types of inferences were assumed. Likewise, the theoretical orientations of Van Dijk (1978), Solé (1992) and Martínez (2002) were taken into account (...)
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  15. Religión, política y tolerancia en la Europa moderna /José Martinez Millán.Jose Mora - 2012 - Revista de Hispanismo Filosófico 17:265-266.
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    Reseña de "Introducción a la filosofía moral de Ernst Tugendhat" de Hernán Martínez Ferro.Carlos Alberto Díaz - 2009 - Ideas Y Valores 58 (139):184-188.
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  17. Bibliografia filosofica enpanola. Elenco 1976.Martinez Lg - 1976 - Pensamiento 32 (128):465-496.
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    Conjeturas metafísicas sugeridas por la lógica.Maximiliano Fartos Martínez - 1984 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 11:629-636.
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  19. An error theory for compatibilist intuitions.Adam Feltz & Melissa Millan - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (4):529-555.
    One debate in the experimental exploration of everyday judgments about free will is whether most people are compatibilists or incompatibilists. Some recent research suggests that many people who have incompatibilist intuitions are making a mistake; as such, they do not have genuine incompatibilist intuitions. Another worry is whether most people appropriately understand determinism or confuse it with similar, but different, notions such as fatalism. In five studies we demonstrate people distinguish determinism from fatalism. While people overall make this distinction, a (...)
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  20.  30
    La doctrina kantiana de la definición en las lecciones de lógica (1770-1782).Luciana Martínez - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (3):683-704.
    En este artículo se analiza la doctrina kantiana de la definición. Se estudia el desarrollo de esa doctrina en las lecciones de lógica del período precrítico, a partir de su comparación con la teoría de las definiciones de Meier. Se sostiene que Kant organiza su estudio a partir de los aspectos escogidos por Meier, pero es crítico de sus tesis.
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  21.  36
    Consumer Participation in Co-creation: An Enlightening Model of Causes and Effects Based on Ethical Values and Transcendent Motives.Ricardo Martínez-Cañas, Pablo Ruiz-Palomino, Jorge Linuesa-Langreo & Juan J. Blázquez-Resino - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  22.  28
    Kant y el no conceptualismo.Luciana Martínez - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 9:351-362.
    En este artículo discuto la contribución de Matías Oroño, intitulada “El conceptualismo de Kant y los juicios de gusto”. Esta contribución, en lo esencial, es una crítica a la tesis según la cual es posible encontrar una fundamentación del no-conceptualismo kantiano en el tratamiento de los juicios de gusto. Esta tesis es defendida por Dietmar Heidemann en un artículo que Oroño refuta. En el presente artículo se sostiene que la interpretación de Oroño es acertada, con algunos reparos. Sin embargo, me (...)
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  23. Sébastien Charbonnier. Apuestas en el canon de la filosofía: la elección de las fuentes.Fredy Hernán Prieto Galindo - 2024 - Ideas Y Valores 73 (185):247-258.
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  24. Significación y actos de habla indirectos.Hernán Sierra M. - 1988 - Ideas Y Valores 37 (78):79-90.
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    (1 other version)Averroes, Tafsîr del de Anima: sobre el intelecto.Andrés Martínez Lorca - 2003 - Endoxa 1 (17):9.
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  26. Leibniz-L' Höpital y el Cálculo diferencial.Javier de Lorenzo Martínez - 2005 - Estudios Filosóficos 54 (155):59-110.
    El presente artículo es un reconocimiento y un homenaje a L'Höpital, de cuya muerte se ha cumplido recientemente el tercer centenario. En él se estudia la correspondencia L'Höpital-Leibniz para analizar el recientemente creado por Leibiz cálculo diferencial e integral y su ontología subyacente, así como la publicación del primer manual sobre la materia escrito por L'Höpital.
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    La repetición desesperada y fallida. Una comparación de La repetición de Kierkegaard y Los sufrimientos del joven Werther de Goethe.Luis Guerrero Martínez - 2022 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 64:385-416.
    One of the most complex and, at the same time, most important philosophical categories in Kierkegaard’s thought is that of “repetition”. To this notion Kierkegaard devotes one of his first pseudonymous works, namely, Repetition, by Constantin Constantius. This paper, firstly, explores the concept of “desperate and failed repetition” that plays an important role in Kierkegaardian irony. Secondly, it shows some parallel aspects found in Repetition and in Goethe’s novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther; this connection allows for a better understanding (...)
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    Las redes virtuales y el desarrollo de la inteligencia social.Ana Beatriz Martínez - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 35:57-62.
    Con esta ponencia se analizan y discuten algunas formas de desarrollo de la inteligencia social considerada como expresión de un nuevo contexto simbólico de prácticas culturales que reúnen diversos ejercicios colectivos de comunicación. Se hace énfasis en los espacios y relaciones que se estructuran y proyectan en torno al aprendizaje que se produce a través de las redes virtuales. Se intenta comprender y analizar lo que supone aprender con los otros y desde el otro bajo nuevos modos libres, espontáneos e (...)
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    Matt Ridley: What makes us humans?Maximiliano Martínez - 2005 - Ideas Y Valores 54 (129):61-64.
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  30. Mito y mundo de sentido. (Mito, misterio y palabra).Cristóbal Acevedo Martínez - 1993 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 78:425-445.
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    Política, ciencia, ética y sociedad: su conjunción dialéctica en la experiencia del Contingente Henry Reeve.Nereyda Martínez Suárez & Madelyn Gracia Martínez - 2006 - Humanidades Médicas 6 (3):0-0.
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  32. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Evolution of the contours of AI.Fernando Martínez-Plumed, Bao Sheng Loe, Peter Flach, Sean O. O. HEigeartaigh, Karina Vold & José Hernández-Orallo (eds.) - 2018
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  33. Realismo interno versus realismo contextual, el caso de la mecánica cuántica.S. F. Martínez - 1994 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 20 (1):53.
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  34. Sacrificialidad y hermenéutica sacramental (Anotaciones críticas a propósito de un documento eucarístico para el Año Jubilar).Domingo Salado Martínez - 2000 - Ciencia Tomista 127 (413):415-472.
  35. THE HEURISTIC STRUCTURE OF SCIENTIFIC PRACTICES.Sergio F. Martinez - 2006 - Chinese Studies in the Philosophy of Science 53 (2):1-23.
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  36. Transexuales, transgéneros y travestis : presencias de identidad genérica en el cine mexicano.Yolanda Mercader Martinez - 2021 - In Raquel Gutiérrez Estupiñán, Jaime Villarreal & Miguel Sáenz (eds.), Encuadres del discurso cinematográfico. Monterrey, Nuevo León, México: Editorial Universitaria de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.
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    Creep mechanism of gas-pressure-sintered silicon nitride polycrystals II. Deformation mechanism.J. J. Meléndez-Martínez, D. Gómez-García, M. Jiménez–Melendo & A. Domínguez-Rodríguez ‡ - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (31):3387-3395.
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    Novice Shooters With Lower Pre-shooting Alpha Power Have Better Performance During Competition in a Virtual Reality Scenario.Michael Pereira, Ferran Argelaguet, José del R. Millán & Anatole Lécuyer - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  39. Dichoptic visual masking reveals that early binocular neurons exhibit weak interocular suppression: Implications for binocular vision and visual awareness.Stephen L. Macknik & Susana Martinez-Conde - 2004 - Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 16 (6):1049-1059.
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    El Jesús controvertido de Pagola.Francisco García Martínez - 2008 - Salmanticensis 55 (1):143-150.
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    Editorial: From Consumer Experience to Affective Loyalty: Challenges and Prospects in the Psychology of Consumer Behavior 3.0.María P. Martínez-Ruiz, Mónica Gómez-Suárez, Ana I. Jiménez-Zarco & Alicia Izquierdo-Yusta - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  42. 458 indice.Rosser J. Barkley, Hernán Benítez, Carlos Clavería, Auguste Etcheverry, Risiere Frondizi, T. Olarte, Alain Guy & Karl Jaspers - 1963 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 1 (13):457.
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  43. Normativity and its vindications: the case of logic.Concepción Martínez Vidal - 2004 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 19 (2):191-206.
    Physical laws are irresistible. Logical rules are not. That is why logic is said to be normative. Given a system of logic we have a Norma, a standard of correctness. The problem is that we need another Norma to establish when the standard of correctness is to be applied. Subsequently we start by clarifying the senses in which the term "logic" and the term "normativity" are being used. Then we explore two different epistemologies for logic to see the sort of (...)
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    Identification of Factors Associated With School Effectiveness With Data Mining Techniques: Testing a New Approach.Fernando Martínez-Abad - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:494763.
    The study of school effectiveness and the identification of factors associated with it are growing fields of research in the education sciences. Moreover, from the perspective of data mining, great progress has been made in the development of algorithms for the modeling and identification of non-trivial information from massive databases. This work, which falls within this context, proposes an innovative approach for the identification and characterization of educational and organizational factors associated with high school effectiveness. Under a perspective of basic (...)
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    On the Role of Faith in Sustainability Management: A Conceptual Model and Research Agenda.Fabien Martinez - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (3):787-807.
    The objective of this article is to develop a faith development perspective on corporate sustainability. A firm’s management of sustainability is arguably determined by the way decision-makers relate to the other and the natural environment, and this relationship is fundamentally shaped by faith. This study advances theoretical understanding of the approach managers take on sustainability issues by explaining how four distinct phases of faith development—improvidence, obedience, irreverence and providence—determine a manager’s disposition towards sustainability. Combining insights from intentional and relational faith (...)
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  46.  21
    How Well Have Social Economy Financial Institutions Performed During the Crisis Period? Exploring Financial and Social Efficiency in Spanish Credit Unions.Almudena Martínez-Campillo, Yolanda Fernández-Santos & María del Pilar Sierra-Fernández - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (2):319-336.
    As Social Economy financial institutions, credit unions have traditionally been considered less efficient than traditional banking entities. However, like banks and savings banks, they have to be as efficient and competitive as possible to survive in today’s business environment, especially at times of crisis. To date, there have been very few studies on their efficiency and practically none for the crisis period. Moreover, almost all the existing studies assess only financial efficiency, without considering their social function. This study examines the (...)
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    Correction to: Mapping trust relationships in organ donation and transplantation: a conceptual model.María Victoria Martínez-López, Leah McLaughlin, Alberto Molina-Pérez, Krzysztof Pabisiak, Nadia Primc, Gurch Randhawa, David Rodríguez-Arias, Jorge Suárez, Sabine Wöhlke & Janet Delgado - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-2.
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  48. El emerger puntual de la indeterminación en el seno de la triada determinista (estructura, historia y entropía).Hernán Andrés Burbano Roa - 2003 - Ludus Vitalis 11 (19):25-52.
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    La identidad de género en el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos.José María Martínez de Pisón Cavero - 2023 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 38.
    Este artículo describe y analiza la doctrina del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos (TEDH) sobre la identidad de género de las personas transexuales. En el Convenio Europeo sobre Derechos Humanos (CEDH), como en otros tratados internacionales sobre derechos humanos, no existe un derecho que reconozca y proteja la situación del colectivo trans. Sin embargo, el Tribunal ha elaborado una doctrina propia a partir del artículo 8 del CEDH, el derecho al respeto a la vida privada y familiar, en la que (...)
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  50. El deseo interminable: Las claves emocionales de la historia.César David Martinez Cerutti - 2024 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 25 (28):90-94.
    Reseña bibliográfica del libre de José Antonio Marina (2022). _El deseo interminable: Las claves emocionales de la historia. _Editorial Ariel, 304 páginas. ISBN: 8434435462.
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